Wednesday, June 6, 2018


                                  THE BEST CUP OF COFFEE
     It was an incredibly clear warm day when I boarded a gondola for a ride up to the top of Mt.Strassahorn in Switzerland. The panoramic view of the valley below was fantastic.
     Once at the top, the first thing I did was walk a footpath around the summit of the mountain. The many wildflowers in bloom were a surprise. Suddenly I stopped to listen to the stillness. To my delight a serenade of tinkling cow bells from the alpine valley was all that broke the silence. It was a sound I’d hear again on another trip to the Alps. Every time I hear tinkling bells I remember that first Swiss experience.
     After my stroll among the wildflowers I was back on the large patio in the sky and the gift shop proved irresistible. As I entered the chalet shop/deli I spotted a hot plate with a carafe of hot coffee on one burner and  one of hot  water on the other burner. The young man behind the counter confirmed that I was truly hot water so I excitedly said, “I’d like a ½ cup of coffee and then fill the cup with hot water.”
     “No, no. This coffee is made to add liquor to. It is good.”
      “Just the coffee please as I asked.”
      “OK, if you insist,” he reluctantly conceded.
The young man did not know it was my very first trip across the pond and that for over two weeks I had given up on Europe’s strong coffee and been drinking tea.
      After paying for my special request coffee I took the cup and saucer---no mugs, or Styrofoam here---and went outside to the sunny terrace 6000 feet up a mountain to sit at a round picnic table. I savored and enjoyed that cup of coffee as I listened to the cow bell serenade.
      It is a sweet memory!

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