Wednesday, July 13, 2016


                                   Several New Animals
       On our last day in Edinburgh we managed to squeeze in a visit to the Edinburgh zoo. Our days had been busy, and this day was no exception. We’d seen the gorgeous floral clock on our walk through the park, and although it was late in the day it was time for my LA zoo docent travel buddy to get us to the zoo.
It was too far to walk so we rode the local bus, as we had in the morning to the Britannia. At the zoo entrance my buddy got talking to the fellow and mentioned she was a LA zoo docent. What a pleasant surprise it was when, without hesitation, he sold us tickets at half price! We found everyone everywhere we went pleasant, friendly and helpful.
       We couldn’t have timed our visit better as we arrived about three minutes before the daily penguin parade. It was a hoot to watch the little penguins march around a predetermined course. The zoo has been in existence since 1913. New animals for us to see were the painted hunting dog, southern cassowary, red-necked wallaby, and a pigmy hippo that looked like a fat pig.
       Although we had a basic map, we were having trouble finding the painted hunting dog exhibit. When we spotted a fellow with a flashlight and a bunch of papers in his hand, we took him for a zoo employee and approached asking for directions. Bless his heart, he stopped what he was doing and sprinted up and down several paths, with us in tow double timing it behind him. Eventually he found the dogs. Talking to him at the pen fence we learned he was the zoo’s insurance man making his annual inspection!
      “We’re so sorry for interrupting your  work. When we saw your clipboard we mistakenly took you for a zoo employee. Thanks so much for taking the time to help us out,” I offered.
      Selma added, “I’ve never seen a painted hunting dog before.”
      “Nor have I, young lady. I learned something new today too. You ladies have a good time, and I’ll get back to work.”
       At that time I had never heard of a painted hunting dog, but leave it to my buddy to always find something new and exciting. The dogs are endangered and have multi colored coats reminiscent of camouflage. They were lean and had large ears that stood up much like an antenna. I may never see another one, but it was exciting to see the five that were in the pen.
      After reading the plaque and checking the map we moved on and had a delightful afternoon. Once back at the hotel it was a scramble to cleanup and dress for dinner.

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