Wednesday, April 28, 2010


In Switzerland we all took a book along for the nearly all-day ride on the Glacier Express from Davos to Interlaken. However, the scenery was so spectacular on the world’s slowest express that none of us ever opened our book! The full trainride runs from St. Moritz to Zermatt, Switzerland.

It was an extraordinary engineering feat to build this railroad with its 91 tunnels and 291 bridges. It was a little scary to look out the window at an approaching curve and see nothing but a bridge suspended over a gorge. After awhile it became a familiar sight. As we climbed up to the pass at 6668-feet the train went so slow that I thought it might stop. Oh, no, I don’t want to roll down backwards!

The train tracks switchback between alpine valleys and mountain passes. The scenery is fantabulous and it’s got to be the most scenic train ride in the world! Oohs and ashs peppered our conversation.

At noontime the steward came to our car to inform us that it was our time for dinner in the dining car. We enjoyed a wonderful lunch complete with wine and dessert served on linen covered tables and with real silverware and linen napkins. We continued to enjoy the scenery as we dined.

Engrossed in our good time it took us a minute or two to understand our waiter as he stood at the end of the table repeating, “Thank you, bye. Thank you, bye. Thank you, bye.”

Eventually we realized our dining hour had come to an end. With a smile and a thank you to the waiter, we got up and left the dining car.

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