Useful Info and Trivia
The country is known as the Commonwealth of
Australia, winning its Independence on January 1, 1901. Sir Edmond Barton, the first Prime Minister
remarked, “For the first time in history we have a continent for a nation and a
nation as a continent.”

Geographically Australia is the
size of the United States. The country’s seven states are Victoria, Queensland,
New South Wales, South Australia, Western Australia, Northern Territory, and
Tasmania. The country is bordered on the west by the Indian Ocean, on the south
by the Southern Ocean, on the east by
the Pacific Ocean, and on the north by
the Coral Sea. The Tasman Sea is between Australia and Tasmania in the
southeast corner of the country. The country
is surrounded by 23,000 miles of
coastline and is mineral rich with coal, tin and nickel .
Europe knew nothing of Australia until the 16th
century. Dutch ships on their way to Indonesia were blown off course and
referred to this land as New Holland, but found nothing to spark interest in
In 1806 Captain William Bligh became Australia’s
fourth governor. He lost the post two years later during the Rum Rebellion, and
was succeeded by Lachlan Macquarie. It was during his tenure that sheep farming
started to play an increasing role in the country’s economy.
Governance became more democratic with power
increasingly going to legislative councils, first in New South Wales and then
spreading to other colonies. Until the 20th century Australia
remained a collection of distinct colonies that had greater ties to England
than to each other. It was after World Wars I and II that a true national
identity was established.
Most of the population lives near the coast,
leaving the interior of the country basically unpopulated. All the major cities
are located on the coast.
Australia is a huge country and a long plane ride
away. I would suggest a minimum visit of three weeks as there is so much to do
and see. Picture yourself trying to see all of the US in the same amount of
time—Australia is about the same size as the US.