Irish Trivia Continued
- The Gulf Stream moderates west coast temperatures.
- Seaweed is harvested for use in the cosmetic industry.
- Oysters are found in Galway Bay.
- There are huge seabird colonies. The gannet mates for life and returns to the old nest each year. They have a long white beak, yellow on their head and black outlines on their face.
- The first settlers stayed along the coast because of impregnable forests.
- Christianity came to Ireland in the 15th century and in the 16th century Oliver Cromwell destroyed the churches.
- The River Shannon is the longest at 230 miles.
- The highest mountain is 3414 feet.
- They say it rains in Ireland only two times a week, Monday to Thursday and Friday to Sunday.
- The west coast gets much more rain than the east coast.
- The countryside is a vibrant emerald green.
- Dry set short stone walls are seen all over the countryside.
- In the countryside drivers are very courteous on the very narrow roads.
- Mail trucks and post offices are green.
- Slate roofs seem to be the norm, although new ones are synthetic look-alikes.
- Rocky coasts and large tides have prevented a lot of harbors from developing.
and Ends
- President Kennedy’s great grandfather came from Ireland.
- Andrew Jackson is the only US president not born in the United States. He was born in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean in 1767 on an emigrant ship taking his parents from Carrigfergus, County Antrim.
- Hundreds of the 1197 victims in the Lusitania sinking are buried in Cohb (pronounced cove).
- Many well known authors and poets including James Joyce, Yeats, and Jonathan Swift called Ireland home.
- The famous Waterford glass factory is the largest in the world and hosts 3000 visitors every week!
- John Holland from Liscomb invented the submarine.
- The old and new mix well. Buildings are only three stories high.