land iguana |
There are land iguanas and marine iguanas and I did not know the difference until I visited the Galapagos Islands. It was so exciting to see our first iguanas up close. As our cameras clicked away out guide told us, “Calm down, calm down, you’ll see lots of Iguanas.”
Land iguanas are red, green, and black/brown with a jagged tooth-like spine. They are good size and blend into the terrain unless they are walking on the sandy beach. We needed to watch where we stepped. On South Plaza Island they were everywhere and amazingly we could get within three or four feet of them. Often they would be still and pose as if saying, “Okay---snap away.”
Another day we landed on Espanola Island where the main inhabitants are marine iguanas. The marine variety is black and blends right in with the lava rock. They are a lot smaller and closer to the ground than the land iguana. Again we had to be careful walking on the slippery rocks. The marine iguana is a vegetarian. They live on the algae found in the shallow waters.
marine iguana |
Marine iguanas are flat to the ground and sort of spidery and no where as cute as land iguanas.
I’ve seen many different varieties of land iguanas that tend to be much smaller than the land iguanas in the Galapagos. They ran in the sand along the beaches in Costa Rica. Even smaller ones ran around our lodge site in Belize.
Sally Lightfoot crabs playing with marine iguanas |