All along the road we saw large piles of stacked cut wood. It is illegal to cut down trees. But every spring the whole community gathers and drags all the fallen trees and dead wood out of the forest. A dead tree still standing can not be cut, it must fall down. When all the wood is hauled out to the clearings along the road, it is cut into what looked like about 12-inch long logs and stacked. Sometimes the logs are piled teepee- style to dry. The woodpiles are for anyone who needs it. It is a community project and is used by the entire community. Keep in mind that most of the villages are small, often with a population of only a couple hundred people. No one would cheat and try to stockpile the wood. It is there for anyone who needs it. In such rural areas one must depend on friends and neighbors.
Another odd thing we noticed was patches that looked like a garden. We learned that they were indeed just that and are called roadside gardens. A long time ago it was discovered that for some reason deeper soil gathered in certain areas along the road. Again communities plant these patches, which vary in size, with root crops of potatoes, carrots, turnips, and onions. The growing season is very short, so seedlings are planted, not seeds. These plots date back to the 1800s! People take what they need when they need it. There is a real sense of community in this area.