Sunday, March 23, 2014


                                 Fun But Different Experiences

On my second trip to Costa Rica we had lunch at the Tabacon Hot Springs Resort. Entering the resort an attendant placed a plastic wristband on our right hand. This gave us the privilege after lunch of partaking of the thermal pools. Lunch was exceptionally good, but few of us tarried as we were anxious to get in the pools.         
After changing into our bathing suits we were given a locker and towel. In the river at the foot of Arenal volcano there are several man-made pools. In addition there are several pools among the lush tropical landscape. Pool temperatures ranged from rather cool to almost steamy hot. One even had a waterfall, and that warm water falling on the neck and back was heavenly!
After trying several of the pools, both in the river and among the tropical vegetation my son and I settled by ourselves in the uppermost pool. Because it had two streams running into it there were areas of both warm and cool temperatures. Pretty neat.
One couple in our small group lived on another planet. They had had a slew of shots before the trip---none are necessary---and in the beginning talked about the fear of Dengue fever. So it was no surprise to learn that they had not even packed bathing suits. How clean could those pools be? Wow, did they miss out. In general this couple was a real pain in the neck. I hope wherever they are they might read this and identify themselves.
We stayed in the pools as long as possible, and begrudgingly got out when it was time to leave. Our skin was  pretty pruney anyway. It had been great fun and the gorgeous scenery was absolutely spectacular.
Our hotel was only ten minutes away. Our single bungalow  faced directly across from Arenal volcano. It was going to be a good night!

            On my third trip to the country, with grandchildren, we visited Baldi Spa and Springs.  It was at the end of a hot, humid day when we arrived looking for some cooling relief. This is a large facility, and again there were many pools of varying temperatures. The landscaping was tropical, lush and lovely, but my preference was that of Tabacon. The big attraction for the kids was the large water slide. They couldn’t get enough of it. Their mother stressed the importance of following the rules.
            But some smart-aleck fellow decided that the rules applied to everyone else and went head first down the slide.  He let out a blood curdling cry when he hit the bottom dislocating his shoulder. My daughter was the first to reach him and it took four people to pull on him to relieve his pain. Another fellow somehow cut his head hard enough to bleed.  
           Arenal volcano was the backdrop at both resorts.   Two different hot springs in the same area and two different experiences, influenced much by the crowd and facility. Baldi was aimed more toward families with children, a little more Disneyland, where Tabacon was aimed more toward relaxing and the adult population.

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