Romantic Windmills
I’m as intrigued with windmills as I am lighthouses and during my first short stay in Amsterdam I learned a bit about the windmills that have been part of the Dutch landscape for five centuries. It was explained to us, “There were two kinds of windmills. There were those used as a source of power, also called industrial windmills since they provided power for sawmills or gristmills. Then there were watermills or drainage mills used to keep water behind levies. These mills produced polders or reclaimed land.

First the steam engine, then the combustion engine, and finally the electric motor brought the usefulness of the mills to a quick end. By 1923 only 3000 of the 10,000 mills in Holland remained and today the 1000 surviving mills are protected living monuments.
A lot of the windmills had living quarters at ground level that a keeper lived in just like they did in lighthouses years ago before everything was automated.
Someone in our group said that he had read the parchment paper that the Declaration of Independence was written on in 1776 was believed to have come from De Schoolmeester windmill, built in 1692.
A WW buff told us that windmills have four blade positions, and that during WW II prearranged resting positions signaled messages of approaching raids to those in hiding. Fascinating!
Leaving Amsterdam we glimpsed a few operating windmills in the distant pasturelands.
No matter what their use, I think windmills are picturesque and romantic.
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