Sunday, April 18, 2010


The Alaskan Flag

I’m sure all state flags have a story and history, but I found the story behind the Alaska flag an interesting one.

In 1927 the Alaskan American Legion decided the state should have a flag and opened a contest to school children. John Bell Benson (Benny), a 13-year old 7th grader living in an orphanage in Seward, Alaska, won the contest.

He explained his design: the blue background represents the sky and the for-get-me-not flower. The eight gold stars represent the gold rush and big dipper as the great bear, a source of great strength. The lone star in the upper right hand corner represents the North Star for the future of Alaska and the northern most state.

He was awarded a gold watch with his flag design engraved on it and $1000 toward a trip to Washington, DC to present the flag to President Coolidge. However, the trip never took place due to the president’s commitments, so the money was applied to a college fund for Benny.

There are several memorials to Benny around the state---streets named Benson, a school and statuary.

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